Sunday, April 17, 2011

Graveyard Pajimatan Imogiri

Graveyard Pajimatan Imogiri located in the village Pajimatan, Wukirsari Village, Imogiri, Bantul regency. Graveyard Area 10 hectares, is located on the Mount of Peacock as high as 35-100 meters above sea level. The location of the tomb must be taken by way of staircase is quite high, with around 364 steps. This tomb was built in 1645 by Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo, the third king of Mataram dynasty of Islam. This place became known as Pajimatan Imogiri, where Sultan Agung was buried when it died on April 6, 1645. The tomb of Sultan Agung himself became the main tomb and called Kasultanangungan, located in the center top. Imogiri tomb is now divided into 2 parts. Section to the west, the tomb of the kings Kasunanan Surakarta considered older. While the eastern part, tomb of the kings of Yogyakarta Sultanate. All the kings of Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate Kasunanan interred in this cemetery, except Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II who was buried in Kotagede. Grave In Front gate Kasultananagungan there are have 4 large crocks. Jar on the left side named Nyai Danumurti derived from Sriwijaya (Palembang). On his right was named Kyai Danube from Aceh. Next crock named Kyai Mendhung, derived from Ngerum, Istanbul (Turkey). And jars on the far right side named Nyai Siyem derived from Siam (Thailand). The four jars are only drained once a year in the month of Sura or Muharram.