Friday, November 26, 2010

Ragunan wildlife park

Ragunan Wildlife Park was established in 1864 in Cikini and moved to Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta in 1966. Ragunan Wildlife Park is inhabited by more than 260 kinds of wildlife, including rare and endangered wildlife species from Indonesia and some of the world. The total is 3122 heads of animals, including birds. This show can be enjoyed by visitors. These performances can also help employees Ragunan Wildlife Park to protect and increase wildlife Indonesia. Special attractions for children include: Zoo for children, a playground, and especially on Sundays children can ride elephants, wagon, and boat. What really please the visitor is a spectacle Orang Utan Wildlife Park which surrounds the Ragunan every day boarded wagon. There is also a restaurant and picnic facilities are comfortable and the movie stalls and souvenir stalls from Ragunan Wildlife Park.