Monday, November 15, 2010

Fossil Museum Sangiran - Sragen

The attractions of course is not just for fun, but also to increase our knowledge of a history that never happened in the past. As relics of ancient human history, one of which is the museum Sangiran.

Sangiran Museum is an archeological museum adjacent to the area of Sangiran prehistoric fossil sites. Sangiran site itself has an area that reaches 56 km ² with covers three subdistricts in Sragen, namely Gemolong, Kalijambe, and Plupuh, and incoming district Gondhangrejo Karanganyar district.

Located at the foot of Mount Lawu (17 km from the city of Solo), Sangiran site lies within the area of Sangiran dome that is part of the depression Solo. In addition to being an attractive tourist attractions, museums and Sangiran that archaeological sites into the arena of research on the most important and most complete prehistoric life in Asia.

In this Snagiran museum we can obtain detailed information about the patterns of ancient people's lives that contribute to the island of Java, such as the science of Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology, Paleontrhopologi. For the first time also, in the area of Sangiran site is found Pithecantropus erectus fossil mandible (one species in the taxon Homo Erectus) by a German archaeologist, Professor Von Koenigswald.

More interestingly, in the Sangiran area also found traces of the legacy that has been aged 2 million to 200,000 years can still be found. So the experts can assemble a common thread of a history that never happened at Sangiran in sequence.