Friday, November 26, 2010

Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in the Village Cibeureum on Cisarua district, a recreational vehicle that was quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects found in many areas of collecting various types of these animals, among them, safari park, bird park, animal education show, Reptiles, Babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari trek, caravans and hotels and wild-wild west.

For the latter vehicle, a vehicle that is interesting to watch. The show is done in an arena that gives a chance cowboy style, with cowboy attractions skyline. This show can be watched free of charge every day, for about 15 minutes. In addition to these rides, there are other more interesting facilities, such as the baby zoo, on this ride you can take pictures together with white tigers, leopards, orangutans, and others.

Recently, TSI launched the spacecraft and new programs, namely Elephant Adventure. The program invites visitors to ride on the backs of elephants around the area of TSI for almost an hour at a rate of only 50 thousand per person each way. Each tail of an elephant, accompanied by his keeper and can be boarded four adults.

Elephants are going through a grassy road, and past the water flow so that visitors can really enjoy the natural scenery in the TSI.

Ragunan wildlife park

Ragunan Wildlife Park was established in 1864 in Cikini and moved to Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta in 1966. Ragunan Wildlife Park is inhabited by more than 260 kinds of wildlife, including rare and endangered wildlife species from Indonesia and some of the world. The total is 3122 heads of animals, including birds. This show can be enjoyed by visitors. These performances can also help employees Ragunan Wildlife Park to protect and increase wildlife Indonesia. Special attractions for children include: Zoo for children, a playground, and especially on Sundays children can ride elephants, wagon, and boat. What really please the visitor is a spectacle Orang Utan Wildlife Park which surrounds the Ragunan every day boarded wagon. There is also a restaurant and picnic facilities are comfortable and the movie stalls and souvenir stalls from Ragunan Wildlife Park.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fossil Museum Sangiran - Sragen

The attractions of course is not just for fun, but also to increase our knowledge of a history that never happened in the past. As relics of ancient human history, one of which is the museum Sangiran.

Sangiran Museum is an archeological museum adjacent to the area of Sangiran prehistoric fossil sites. Sangiran site itself has an area that reaches 56 km ² with covers three subdistricts in Sragen, namely Gemolong, Kalijambe, and Plupuh, and incoming district Gondhangrejo Karanganyar district.

Located at the foot of Mount Lawu (17 km from the city of Solo), Sangiran site lies within the area of Sangiran dome that is part of the depression Solo. In addition to being an attractive tourist attractions, museums and Sangiran that archaeological sites into the arena of research on the most important and most complete prehistoric life in Asia.

In this Snagiran museum we can obtain detailed information about the patterns of ancient people's lives that contribute to the island of Java, such as the science of Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology, Paleontrhopologi. For the first time also, in the area of Sangiran site is found Pithecantropus erectus fossil mandible (one species in the taxon Homo Erectus) by a German archaeologist, Professor Von Koenigswald.

More interestingly, in the Sangiran area also found traces of the legacy that has been aged 2 million to 200,000 years can still be found. So the experts can assemble a common thread of a history that never happened at Sangiran in sequence.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Old City

Old City, is a building that serves as Jakarta Historical Museum (Museum Fatahillah). (Old city), also known as Old Jakarta, and Old Batavia, is a small area in Jakarta, Indonesia. This includes a special area of 1.3 square kilometers in North Jakarta and West Jakarta (Pinangsia Village, Taman Sari and Roa Malaka Village, Tambora).

Nicknamed "The Jewel of Asia" and "Eastern Queen" in the 16th century by European sailors, Old Jakarta, or Batavia, as it is called by the Dutch, was once regarded as a trade center for the entire continent because of its strategic location and abundant resources.

In the old city area, we can find a variety of museums, like the puppet museum, tile museum, museum of the ancient post of Indonesia. On holidays we can see the attraction whistle. Location Old Town is located in the city of Jakarta, near the City station. Visitors need not worry about the facility to get around in the Old City, because there are Ontel bicycles available for rent. Ticket prices for the museum entrance is also very affordable for all levels of society.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis is one of the most popular beach in Yogyakarta, this tourism form the Indian Ocean coastal beaches are located approximately 25 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city. Parangtritis also have close linkages with various other attractions, such as the sultan's palace, Beach Parangkusumo and Merapi region. Parangtritis has unique views that are not on other tourist attractions are in addition to large waves, also the mountain - a high mountain of sand around the beach. The object of this tour is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs parangtritis. In addition there are the baths, called machetes allegedly wedang water in the baths can cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from the bath contains sulfur that comes from the mountains in the area. Parangtritits on certain days (month suro) is offering regular offerings (Labuhan) to Queen of the South Sea or in the Java language called Nyai Rara Kidul. Locals believe that a person may not use green colored clothes when they're on this coast. Parangtritis become a major tourist visits, especially on New Year's Eve Java (1 sacred / Suro). In Parangtritis there are also trains horses or horses that can be rented for up the coast from east to west.